Social distance activations

Our kinetic energy flooring system is modular and it has a social-distance-grid. We can create almost any constellation that fits your event. From a single person human powered photobooth to a multi-player energy battle and ever larger floors. GET ON IT!

Make your public experience unique

Kinetic Tile

The kinetic tile is the basic building blok of any activation station. The tile flex slightly when stepped on to turn human power into energy. Up til 35W of sustainable energy per tile.

Social Distancing Compliant

Using distancing grids between the kinetic tiles, we kan set up any floor to fit the compliance rules. Tile size is 75x75x20.


Branding is a standard feature.

Data capture and visualisation

Energy data captured and vizualised. Standard or tailored programming for any activation purposes: challenges, rewards, quizes or photo’s.


Next to the floor and display, our plugins will scale up your interactive, energetic activation.

Are you interested in one of our solutions for your event, festival, museum or activation?

Please get in touch!

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