Understanding green marketing for brands

August 30, 2022

Implementing a green marketing strategy is necessary for brands in today’s economic and social climate. 

Consumers are becoming conscious of their purchasing decisions: from small everyday needs to larger long-term investments. Sustainability, ethics and climate change are the new green lenses through which the public are eyeing up new products. Brands should therefore position themselves in full view by adopting green marketing initiatives.

Green marketing vs traditional marketing

A quick Google search will yield a number of definitions on green marketing. The name is also self-explanatory but can sometimes be known as ‘sustainability marketing’ as well. In short, green marketing promotes and raises awareness specifically about green products, services or practices. The aim is to showcase the connection between your brand, the environment and sustainable solutions. The distinction from traditional marketing seems obvious. Whereas traditional marketing strategies have overarching revenue-generating KPIs, such as lead generation, lead nurturing or % on ROI, green marketing aims are less commercially driven. Although the most valued metric by which green marketing is measured will also seek to see an uptake in sales, its overarching objectives are more value driven.

The value of green marketing

Of course, green marketing is only relevant if you offer green products or services or embed greener practices. Consider the following questions: Is your product made from natural materials or renewable resources? Are the materials responsibly sourced? Is your packaging biodegradable? Were workers paid a fair wage to produce them? Do your internal processes reduce carbon emissions? In today’s world, responses to these questions can make or break a consumer’s decision. In a recent study conducted on UK shoppers, 40% now choose to buy from brands that have environmentally sustainable practices and values. And in the same vein, a third of shoppers have stopped purchasing from brands that have sustainability concerns. An earlier study by the market-giant Unilever reveals similar data, implying that this is an ongoing trend. Unilever also recorded sizeable growth in the brands that implemented sustainability practices into their purpose and products. It is therefore evident that there is a demand for greener offerings, and consequently new opportunities for marketers and brands.

How can brands understand the green market?

Understanding the value of green marketing means firstly realising that the success of your brand is not a concern for most shoppers. An analysis from Forbes reads “Almost 100% of the retailers surveyed believe that consumers rank brand name higher than product sustainability, when, in fact, a much lower percentage – 56% – of consumers rank brand name as somewhat or very important.” Instead, consumers want to connect with brands on a personal level. In the shopping aisles and across e-commerce sites, they are making lifestyle choices based on shared values, ethics and beliefs. They are no longer making purchases based on brand popularity or esteemed status. In fact, some shoppers are willing to pay more for sustainable products.
Skoda e-car launch event in Paris using kinetic floor tiles.
Skoda e-car launch event in Paris using kinetic floor tiles.

Activate your green marketing

For some, these ideas are already mainstream. For others, the shift in consumer behavior towards sustainable commerce is slowly coming into full view. There are abundant case studies available on brand activations, where they market their green(er) products with our support. If you’ve already adopted a green marketing approach and are now looking for ways to communicate your efforts to your audience, how best to do that? We specialise in helping brands promote their sustainability messaging and boost their green image through our energy-generating floors. Our floors actualise the collaboration between experiential marketing and sustainability, offering a unique and unforgettable connection between the brand and consumer.

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